Friday 21 November 2014

About my photo and the canons

I'd like to talk about a thing that is really important to me, the quality of my photos. Always more frequently I receive critiques from DA groups or users that tell me how I should take my photos and how I should edit them, that they're too dark, that they don't respect the canons of the "high quality photos", that they're too low exposure, too blurry, ecc. I want  to specify some things. I perfectly know that my photos are dark and in low exposure, because I WANT that they're in this way. The way I edit my photos is dictated by my melancholic way of seeing the world and by my feelings, that often are negative or given to the sadness. And the low exposure helps me in this. My purpose is not making photos that will be perfectly classified as "high, very high, highest quality photos" , perfectly clear, perfectly on focus, perfectly exposed, perfectly perfect. I'm not here to race with the other photographers for who makes the highest quality photos, and also I'm not here for race for seeing my photos on National Geographic. My purpose is telling emotions, even modifying my photos and making them blurry or too dark or on low exposure, intentionally. This doesn't mean that I don't accept the critiques (if they're constructive), but I would not that the critiques result in telling me how to make my photos according to the point of view of who critiques me. Because very often, these people that critiques me make photos that from my point of view are technically perfect but tells nothing, and unfortunately these kind of photos are the photos that fill up the "high quality photos" groups on Deviantart. I see them everywhere, this kind of photos perfectly on focus but that are so empty without nothing to tell, with no emotion, no feelings. Nothing. These groups full of empty high quality photos, are the same that always decline my photos, because "on low exposure". I find very sad that the "best photography" groups give priority to focus and exposure, and not on the emotions that a photo give. In my opinion this is not very educational for the artistic sense. Everyone can be technically perfect, but fews have really the skill to give something through their photos. Always in my opinion. I always was very critic with myself and objective, and I don't think I deserve this kind of treatment from the others.

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